Monday, October 28, 2024

Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins now available online.

Wilkie Collins

The Wilkie Collins Society has made available online The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins, complete with annotations. Among the fascinating content:

• Prosecutor Nathaniel C. Moak used plot points from Collins' The Moonstone as part of his argument in court (he was unsuccessful; letter of 21 Aug 1883, ref. no. 3110).







Anna Katharine Green
• Collins' praise of Anna Katharine Green to publisher George Haven Putnam (1883, ref. no. 2245): "Have I read 'The Leavenworth Case'? I have read it through at one sitting. Need I say after that what I think of it? Yes—because I have a word to add about Miss Green's future work. Her powers of invention are so remarkable—she has so much imagination and so much belief (a most important qualification for our art) in what she writes, that I have nothing to report of myself, so far, of most sincere admiration. ...."

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