Monday, February 10, 2025

Celebrating the work of R.C. Sherriff.

R.C. Sherriff. NYPL
Marking 50 years since the death of playwright-author-screenwriter R. C. Sherriff (1896–1975), the R.C. Sherriff Trust is celebrating his work this year and is publicizing various events (such as film festivals). Sherriff might be best known for his World War I play Journey's End (1928), but his oeuvre includes the screenplay for The Invisible Man (dir. James Whale, 1933), the screenplay for the film noir Odd Man Out (dir. Carol Reed, 1947), and the murder mystery plays Home at Seven (aka Murder on Monday, 1950; film, dir. Ralph Richardson, 1952) and A Shred of Evidence (1960).

On the set of Odd Man Out, w/James Mason, left;
cameraman Russell Thompson (looking through
viewfinder); director of photography Robert Krasker
(seated); and director Carol Reed (at right).

Monday, February 03, 2025

Film Music Friday: The Maltese Falcon

The latest episode of Kansas Public Radio's Film Music Friday on Warner Brothers films includes selections from The Maltese Falcon (1941).