Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The return of The Poisoned Chocolates Case.

Anthony Berkeley Cox's The Poisoned Chocolates Case (1929) returns to print today, courtesy of Felony and Mayhem Press.

Journalist-critic and Detection Club secretary Cox (1893–1971) wrote many mystery works that feature his sleuth Roger Sheringham; other works of interest include "Holmes and the Dasher," a Sherlock Holmes parody in the style of P. G. Wodehouse (see Jugged Journalism, 1925), and the Detection Club's round-robin novels The Floating Admiral (1931) and Six Against the Yard (1936), in which Cox participated. His pseudonyms include Francis Iles (Before the Fact, Malice Aforethought).


Martin Edwards said...

A marvellous book by one of the great Golden Age writers.

Elizabeth Foxwell said...

What do you think of Cox's work as Francis Iles?

Martin Edwards said...

Malice Aforethought I love, though it owes something to Payment Deferred, I think. Before the Fact - interesting, but excruciating protagonist. As for the Woman - very interesting, astonishingly under-estimated. All in all, the Iles books fascinate me, as does the fact that Cox gave up on the genre in a creative sense - something I could never imagine doing.