A quick browse through the
British Library Sound Archive uncovered these audio nuggets (in Windows Media files; Mac users need a program such as
Flip4Mac to listen to these):
• Michael Dibdin interviews Patricia Highsmith on the occasion of the publication of
Ripley Under Water, Sept. 27, 1991. In the interview, Highsmith discusses Tom Ripley and
Strangers on a Train. She also mentions that the German translation of
Ripley Under Water sold 35,000 copies on the first day of release.
• George V. Higgins talks about his novel
Penance for Jerry Kennedy, May 8, 1985.
• Elmore Leonard discusses his novel
Maximum Bob, Sept. 18, 1991.
Panel on the European crime novel, Nov. 28, 1992, with Michael Dibdin and
Susan Moody (UK),
Laura Grimaldi (Italy), and
Fernando Martinez Lainez (Spain).