Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bon anniversaire, Georges Simenon.

Author Georges Simenon, the creator of Inspector Maigret, was born today in Belgium in 1903. He became a journalist at age 15, and his early writing was rejected by Colette (the then-editor of Le Matin). His eventual output was approximately 80 pages per day, and he produced some 200 books before his death in 1989.

Maigret debuted in 1929, in The Strange Case of Peter the Lett, followed by appearances in some 75 novels and 28 stories.

For information on the Maigret series broadcast on the MhZ networks, go here. For details on other screen Maigrets, including Michael Gambon, go here. The New York Review of Books Classics has recently reissued some of Simenon's non-Maigret works.

1 comment:

Martin Edwards said...

John Banville, alias Benjamin Black, nominated for an Edgar this year for best novel, credits those non-Maigret books for reviving his interest in crime fiction.